Saturday, May 27, 2006

Another Saturday!

Ugg it's another Saturday. My older 2 kids stayed at our neighbor's house for the night, but they came back over this morning cause the neighbor is sleeping in. I was trying to sleep in but my dad woke me up at 8 am. Oh well! I usually can't sleep past 6 am, so I'm glad I could sleep in a bit.

I can't believe it's almost June. School gets out soon, then I'll have all the kids bugging me! I don't know if their father is going to come get them for the summer (my older 2). There's absolutely no communication on his side, and he pays child support weeks late. I really hate dealing with him when he's like this. He doesn't pick up the phone when his kids or I call. He doesn't pick up the phone when his brother calls either, cause he knows he's going to tell him to pay his child support. He doesn't like it when anyone tells him what to do, obviously. I wish NJ would take things more seriously when child support is due. It's amazing how quickly someone can come up with money when they're in jail! I don't want him in jail, but it's a good incentive to pay child support. I want him to support his 2 older children just like he's supporting his 2 younger children who are living with him. He can just forget about his older 2 when he wants to. Men! He has 2 houses (one he's living in), 2 or 3 cars, one of which is a 8-seater Toyota Sienna SUV, you can bet that's expensive. I don't even have a car! Ok, enough with the ex.

My youngest, Ibi (short for Ibrahim). is watching Antz. He's going to be 3 next month, boy time flies! He likes watching movies. I got him something at a garage sale for his birthday, it's a little kitchen play set. Not one of those huge kitchen things, a smaller one. He was playing with it at the garage sale, so I bought it and snuck it in the car and house so he didn't know I got it. When they're little you can fool them easily. I also want to get him a tricycle. His dad has never seen him, but more on him another time.

Last weekend I went to garage sale with my neighbor and got some clothes for my son and daughter, and a few things for decorating. I need to make our place look lived in. It's small but decent. I love garage sales! Next month they have a city-wide one, so there will be garage sales all over the place. I can't really get big stuff at garage sales, my neighbor's car isn't very big. I did get a bookcase at one, and she stuffed it in her trunk with the back seat down.


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